This is my little bear. My Mommy made this bear for me when I was 4 I think. I remember I was in pre-school and we lived in Montrose, CA. He has an injury on his leg, I fixed him myself. He goes everywhere with me. I was going to leave him with my Mom and have your fix his leg, but I changed my mind. I am glad he is here with me, makes it feel more like home.
This is my pretty new shower curtain I got...I love it. It is kind of girly, so I hope Neil doesn't hate it. LOL Cause if he does...sorry babe you are stuck with it. LOL

These are my cute cute new bathroom curtains!

This is a cool pretty smelling thing I got

This is a cute little plant that I have had for a few years. Somehow I have not killed it. I brought it across country with me. He rode in the drink holder, I broke a couple of leaves off. Neil says it may be hard to get him back into CA when I go home. I don't know if he is meant to be in this climate. We will see...I hope he lives.

The inside of my home. This is from the living room towards the kitchen.

The upstairs hall

Our bedroom, my cute little air bed. If you have a fan here it is great. Keeps everything nice and cool.

Cute little stand thing at the top of the stairs

Shot from the top of the stairs

The kitchen

My garbage and I HAVE to recycle because this is a small state...not much room for landfill

My heater...I think LOL

The stairs to the basement

I made this curtains by cutting off the bottoms of the others, then I used the iron and fusible stuff.

Living room

My new used chair

My used new couch

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