I made my way over there using my directions from Google maps. It is very different here. At home there are square blocks. Here it seems like the roads go willy nilly. It is easy to get lost. Which I did after I left Walmart. The more I tired to fix it the more lost I got. I ended up in Amherst for a While. Then out in the country somewhere. It was beautiful out there. Big red barns with big white farm houses. It is so green here. I managed to find my way back...I really have no idea how. But it was cool, I got to see a bunch of neat stuff.
I took some pictures around the house so you all can see what it looks like here. I dont really know how to explain it. It is very different then Northern California, that is about all I can say.
Travis this first picture is for you. I took it from your bed room window through the screen. This is your view from the window!

And this is from the front porch

Looking the other way off my porch

The back yard shot from the side porch

And again from the front porch

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