Today was hard again. I think when I push my self so hard the next day I pay. LOL
first thing I did was slip and fall this morning while getting
out of the shower! I am OK. Just glad no one saw me hee hee.
I am in Cleveland OH. Tomorrow I will be there for sure.
I was kind of sad that I didn't make it in 4 days...but I just could not pull it off.
I am not used to driving like that. I do have 2400 miles under my belt and nine states!
I have
Pennsylvanian and New York left to go...then I am in Massachusetts!
I was just thinking about if this was a year ago I would be to scared to make this trip. I told Neil on the phone tonight it has been hard, but I think it is making me a stronger person. You all know I always want to be a stronger person.
Today I drove through Sound Bend Indiana where my grandpa was born. I probably have family there I don't even know. I also drove through Elkhard, and Bristol, both places I worked with at ATC.
Today I saw
-A very bad wreak
-Some cool thing that detects if there are animals on the interstate and warns drivers
-Beautiful old farm houses and barns
New things I did today
-Drove on a toll road and had to pay a toll
-Sliped on the bathroom floor and hit my head, ear, neck, shoulder and feet on the door frame of the bathroom
How I feel
sad because I miss Neil and Travey
excited to see my new house tomorrow
very sore from the fall...I am a dork
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