I went to a store called Wilsons today. That is where I met that lady she worked there. It was humid in there too. Anyway, this store is so cool. It reminds me of the old JC Pennys in Red Bluff, Margo said there was one in Orland too, but I cant remember that one. It had hard wood floors in some places, it was very big, it was 4 stories. I thought I would take the stairs...but that was a bad choice because the higher I got the more humid it was. ick. I took the elevator down LOL. Anyway Mom if you come to visit me...or really any one you have to go to this store with me it is soooo cool. It was kind of like stepping back in time, except of course for the prices.
I found some cool cloth napkins that were on sale for .50 I am going to make pillows out of them for my couch. :-)
Neil has been working at selling stuff so he can come be with me. I am so impressed by how hard he is trying to get things together. I can't wait until he can see in person what it is like here.
Thanks to Jess lending me this table and chairs I now have some place to sit and use my computer. She also let me use here washer and dryer which is great! Thanks Jess!! I just went
down in the basement to put close in the dryer. It is so cool down there. I need to get a wireless router so I can take my computer down there and hang out! LOL See the fans in this picture? There is another one you cant see pointed at me too. I have all the fans in the house blowing on me. I am a wimp I think.

A shot from the cool table Jess lent me :-)
Those of you who now me well will understand why I am so happy about finding these things at the dollar store. they are little baskets meant to put in a school locker. I put them on the back door and am training myself to put my keys and glasses and mobile phone in them when I get home, cause I lose those things usually. I am hoping this will help me. I have not gotten my hopes up though because this in not th
e fist great idea I have had to "help" with my problem. :-)

Those of you who now me well will understand why I am so happy about finding these things at the dollar store. they are little baskets meant to put in a school locker. I put them on the back door and am training myself to put my keys and glasses and mobile phone in them when I get home, cause I lose those things usually. I am hoping this will help me. I have not gotten my hopes up though because this in not th

I miss and love you all!!!
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